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The Liberty Tree

in Franklin County, PA

250 Liberty Trees for the 250th!

2026 will mark the 250th Anniversary of American Independence.

What a celebration it will be!

America250PA, in partnership with the Pennsylvania Freemasons, planted a certified Liberty Tree in commemoration of the original Liberty Trees, which were gathering places for the Sons of Liberty during the American Revolutionary War.

Franklin County’s Liberty Tree is located in Chambersburg at Chambers Fort Park, 40 Spring Street.  It’s a beautiful park off Main Street.

One tree will be planted in each of the 67 Pennsylvania counties, in advance of America’s 250th Anniversary in 2026.

History of the Liberty Tree

The Liberty Tree was a famous elm tree that stood in Boston, Massachusetts near Boston Common in the years before the American Revolution. In 1765, Patriots in Boston staged the first act of defiance against the British government and The Stamp Act at the tree.  The tree became a central gathering place for protesters and a rallying point for the growing resistance to the rule of Britain over the American colonies. The ground surrounding it became known as Liberty Hall.

A liberty pole was installed nearby with a flag that could be raised to summon the townspeople to a meeting.

When the Stamp Act was repealed in 1766, townspeople gathered at the Liberty Tree to celebrate.  The tree was decorated with flags, streamers and dozens of lanterns.  A copper sign was fastened to the trunk which read, “This tree was planted in the year 1646, and pruned by order of the Sons of Liberty, February 14th, 1766.  Soon colonists in other towns began naming their own liberty trees, and the Tree of Liberty became a familiar symbol of the American Revolution.

The Liberty Tree was felled in August 1775 by Loyalists to Britain.

LIBERTY TREE, 1646-1775


The world should never forget the spot where once stood Liberty Tree, so famous in your annals. — La Fayette in Boston